Public Talks in Easter 2022
Professor Stephen Brown, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa, and UCCGS Leverhulme Visiting Professor for 2021-22, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge delivered the Leverhulme Visiting Professorship Lecture on Leaving No One Behind vs. Respecting Local Ownership in Development Cooperation: Conflicting Norms about LGBTQI+ Rights in Hostile Environments on Monday 6 June 2022. The Lecture was followed by a Q&A, chaired by Dr Lauren Wilcox, UCCGS Centre Director.
Professor Audrey Gadzekpo, Department of Communication Studies, University of Ghana, and Ms Anna Mmolai-Chalmers, Programs Manager LGBTI, Sex Work & Disability, Southern Africa Litigation Centre, delivered a Webinar on LGBTQ+ rights in Botswana and Ghana: Recent Victories and Current Challenges on Wednesday 27 April 2022. The Webinar was hosted by Professor Stephen Brown, University of Ottawa, and UCCGS Leverhulme Visiting Professor for 2021-22, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge, and Ms Amelia Amemate, PhD in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies, UCCGS. Webinar recording available here
Public Talks in Lent 2022
Professor Stephen Brown, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa, and UCCGS Leverhulme Visiting Professor for 2021-22, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge delivered the Leverhulme Visiting Professorship Lecture on Visibility or impact? International efforts to defend LGBTQI+ rights in the Global South on Monday 14 March 2022. The Lecture was followed by a Q&A, chaired by Dr Lauren Wilcox, UCCGS Centre Director. Lecture recording available here
UCCGS hosted an online event to mark the centenary of the Irish Civil War on Thursday 24 February 2022. The Irish Civil War: A roundtable discussion featured a panel of scholars who have researched and published important work on gender, memory, trauma, sexual and gender-based violence, commemoration, the Irish revolution, literature, historiography and social and cultural theory and who provided an interdisciplinary analysis and roundtable discussion. With Professor Linda Connolly (Chair), UCCGS Visiting Fellow for Lent 2022, Professor of Sociology and Director, Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, Maynooth University; Professor Guy Beiner, Boston College; Dr Síobhra Aiken, Queen’s University Belfast; Dr John Borgonovo, University College Cork; Dr Ailbhe McDaid, University College Cork. Recording of roundtable discussion available here
Public Talks in Michaelmas 2021
Professor Stephen Brown, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa, and UCCGS Leverhulme Visiting Professor for 2021-22, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, Cambridge delivered the Leverhulme Visiting Professorship Lecture on Global frictions on homosexuality: International relations and the case of LGBTQ+ rights in Tanzania on Wednesday 24 November 2021. The Lecture was followed by a Q&A, chaired by Dr Lauren Wilcox, UCCGS Centre Director. Recording of lecture available here