Dr Juliana Santos de Carvalho
Dr Juliana Santos de Carvalho is an Isaac Newton Trust Academic Career Development Fellow in Gender Studies and Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at the University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies (UCCGS) and Downing College. Her research focuses on feminist, decolonial, queer, and intersectional approaches to international law-making and international justice systems, with published works in the Leiden Journal of International Law, London Review of International Law, and AJIL Unbound. Before joining the University of Cambridge, she was a Lecturer in Law at the Transnational Legal Studies department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and an Applied Research Assistant to the Gender, Race, and Diversity track of the Geneva Graduate Institute’s Interdisciplinary Master’s programme. She holds a PhD in International Law with a minor in International Relations/Political Science from the Geneva Graduate Institute. During her doctoral studies, she was also a Visiting Research Student at SOAS School of Law, Gender and Media. She holds an LLM in Law and Politics of International Security from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and an LLB from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
Juliana is currently working on a book proposal based on her PhD dissertation, focused on providing a feminist analysis of the politics of international lawmaking around gender issues.
E-mail: js2912@cam.ac.uk
‘Under the Shadow of Legality: A Shadow Hauntology on the Legal Construction of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda’ (2024) 37 Leiden Journal of International Law 4.
'Doing Legality as Doing Drag: the Yogyakarta Principles and the Productive Power of Performing International Lawmaking’ (2024) 12 London Review of International Law 2.
'Fear of a Queer Law: Sex/Gender and the Exclusion of Queer Thinking in International Law’ in Tamsin Phillipa Paige and Claerwen O’Hara (eds), Queer Encounters with International Law: Lives, Communities, Subjectivities (Routledge 2024).
‘The Powers of Silence: Making Sense of the Non-Definition of Gender in International Criminal Law’ (2022) 35 Leiden Journal of International Law 963
Other research activities:
‘On Being Disappointed at Judge Julia Sebutinde’s Dissent’ (Opinio Juris, 16 February 2024).
'Silences, Shadows and Hauntings in International Law' (Called to the Bar Podcast, 1 November 2024).
'Fourth Annual Symposium on Pop Culture and International Law: Law, Dungeons, and Dragons' (Opinio Juris, 1 November 2024).