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University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies


Leah Schmidt

PANIC ATTACK: Anxious Futurity, Embodiment, and Disorder in Contemporary Biopolitical Security Politics

Supervisor: Dr Lauren Wilcox (University of Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies)


Amid the rising contemporary influence of disinformation, institutional mistrust, and apocalyptic narratives, the political and embodied experience of “anxiety” has garnered increasing attention in contemporary political theory.

This PhD research is situated at the nexus of affect theory’s exploration of embodied emotions, biopolitic's insights into socio-political governance, and political thought’s analysis of individual agency. Drawing upon a rich mosaic of critical theory — Connolly's critical planetary politics, Massumi’s concept of ontopower, Wilcox’s anatomy of embodied violence, and Ahmed’s affect theory— this investigation posits that anxiety operates as a somatic-political force, shaping the racialized and gendered body within security governance and resistance in the 21st century. Through a critical discourse analysis of the qualitative case studies of North American doomsday preppers/survivalists, climate doomer rhetoric, and AI “doomer” media personalities, this thesis challenges the reduction of anxiety to an individual diagnostic pathology, instead arguing for its multiscalar operation across embodied, institutional, and global political domains.

Through co/produced practices of preparedness, the politicization of existential risk, and the persistence of pessimistic futurity, anxiety generates a cyclical politics of anticipation. This feedback loop permeates social strata—from state to individual—embedding surveillance and discipline into daily life and complicating the Hobbesian social contract. Ultimately, this research contributes to critical international relations and security studies by reframing anxiety as an inherently political embodied phenomenon, intricately entwined with the structures of security, militarization, and surveillance in the volatile political climates of the 21st century.

Academic Background:

Master of Philosophy, Centre for Gender Studies, POLIS, University of Cambridge (Chevening Scholar and Rotary Global Grant Scholar)

Graduate Certification in Law, War, and Human Rights, London School of Economics and Political Science

Bachelor of Arts, Women’s Studies (Hons.), University of Calgary

Bachelor of Arts, International Relations (Dist.), University of Calgary

Research Interests:

Critical Theory, Political Theory, Security Studies, International Relations, Feminist Theory, Queer Theory, Posthumanism, Human Security, Biopolitics, Necropolitics, Affect Theory, Existential Risk, Poststructuralism, Popular Culture and Media, Transhumanism, Existential Risk, the Anthropocene.


Schmidt, Leah. (Publication Date TBD) This Is Not a Punk Rock Anthology, It's a New Wave Anthology. Editor, Creative Poetry. Ink and Bone Press: Illinois.

Schmidt, Leah. (2013-2022) 25+ General Assembly and Security Council Background Guides. National Collegiate Conference Association: New York City.

Schmidt, Leah. (February 2020) Working-Level Gender Lead: “G20 2020 Riyadh Leaders Declaration.” Delivered at the 2021 Saudi Arabia-hosted G20 Summit. Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. [Unclassified Document].

Schmidt, L., Demers, J. & Boncezk, J. Outliers: Calgary’s Queer History. [Feature-length Documentary Film]. Fairytales Queer Film Society, Calgary Alberta.

Schmidt, Leah. (June 2019) Government of Canada Global Affairs Canada, Working-Level Gender Lead: “Gender Recommendations to the G7 Leaders.” 2019 G7 Gender Summit Deliverable, Leader’s Level. Biarritz, France. [Unclassified Document].

Conference Presentations:

Schmidt, L., Abbott, N., McClintock, L. C. & Modra, L. (2024) You’re on Your Own, Kid: Absent Analysis, Heteronormative Biopolitics, and Lavender (Haze) Capitalism in Swiftian Lore. Swiftposium. University of Melbourne. February 2024.

Stowe, L. and Schmidt, L. (2017) Defining and Assessing the Impact of Group Dynamics on Student Learning in Short Term Travel Study Programs: Findings and Conversation. National Society for Experiential Education. St. Petersburg, FL. September 2017.

Schmidt, L. (2015) Gendercide: The Roots of Sexualized Military Violence during the Bosnian War (1992-1995). Centre for Military and Strategic Studies Graduate Strategic Studies Conference: Security, Strategy, and Defense. Calgary, AB. February 2016. Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, Alberta, Canada.

Schmidt, L. (2015) Herstories: Feminism, Women, and Comic Books. Calgary Comic Expo Academic Panel Series. Calgary, AB. March 2015.

Schmidt, L. (2015) Queerness: Exploring Student Engagement in a Campus Environment. CivicCON Conference. Calgary, AB. March 2015.

Other Honours:

Managing Editor, Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Cambridge University “Rising Stars” – Public Engagement Program

University of Calgary Arch Award Recipient - Early Career Achievement Award (2023)

Research Fellow, North American and Arctic Defense Security Network

Killam Fellow, Fulbright Foundation (Alumna)

Alberta Top 30 Under 30